Thousand years long tradition of preparing Chinese green tea continues in the noble estate tea Greenfield Flying Dragon. Classic mild flavour and exquisite flowery aroma of the Flying Dragon Tea refreshes and invigorates your mind and positively affects your body.
Greenfield Flying Dragon Green Tea is made from green Chinese tea, grown at an altitude of over 1000 meters in Hunan. At this height, tea leaves grow particularly tender. Floral light aroma in combination with a delicate taste has a refreshing effect, gives energy and has a beneficial effect on performance throughout the day.
Tea infusion has a yellowish color. Greenfield Flying Dragon green tea is packaged in 25 paper bags, each of which is packaged in a foil pouch. The foil ideally preserves the properties of tea, prevents the dampness and ingress of odors, protects the product from light.
Tea Greenfield Flying Dragon 25 tea bags has a bewitching golden color and sophisticated flavor. In the bouquet of this unique green variety, notes of flowers
and herbs are well felt. This variety comes from Hunan province, located in southeast China and is one of the centers of the national tea industry. Tea Greenfield Flying Dragon 25 tea bags contains large leaves of a jade shade, folded in the form of thin flagella.
Method of preparation: pour 200 ml of hot water in a tea bag. Let the tea brew for 3-5 minutes. Add honey or sugar as desired. Enjoy the taste and aroma of your favorite drink. To avoid deterioration in the taste of tea, do not brew a tea bag twice.